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1 hour
Kerangoff, Pointe du Petit Minou.
AOK 7, KVA B, KvGr. Brest, Pointe du Minou , B 323.

Drive over the D789 and then take the turn towards the D38 heading for the coast. At the end of the D38 you can go to the Fort de Petit Minou, the first location of the Kv.Gr. Brest.

When you arrive on the top of the hill towards the coast you will first encounter a complex of old French fortifications from the Vauban area. You can visit the objects and we got the impression that they where also used by the Germans during the war and probably they were extended or changed a bit for there purpose.
When you drive down the hill to the coast, you will pass two bunkers of type 671 standing on the roadside. At the end you can park your car and visit the two bunkers and some small objects around. From here you can enter the Fort Petit Minou and from the moment you step inside you have a beautiful view over the bay and on the M162 Fire Control Post. This M162 is re-used by the French Navy after the war and extended and changed for its new task.
You can walk trough and over parts of the old Fort. On the cliff at the west side you can see a German observation bunker hanging in the rock. There are some German parts visible they made in the fort when you walk around.
When you want to know more about the old French fortifications at this place, you can take a look at www.fortiff.be.

2x 671 Embrasured emplacement for central pivoting gun (120º) without annexes.
1x M162a Fire control post for light coastal battery.
1x Tobruk. ??
1x Vf observation.
France, Finistere, Kerangoff.

1 hour
© bunkerpictures - Type M162a with French annexes
© bunkerpictures - Type 671